Voegelin in Toronto
Allan Bloom, Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer,Roger Poole and Frederick Lawrence join in brilliant discussions of politics, philosophy and reading. "I now own Voegelin in Toronto and have watched the entire video. EV is smart,charming, and very, very funny!...it gives people the chance to see this guy in action and realize how much we can learn from his analysis.... This video is a must see for anyone serious about studying philosophy, history, and politics in its contemporary treatment. " – Myron Moses Jackson, Dept of Political Science, Southern Illinois University '"The individual lectures, and even more the discussions among several of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, constitute philosophical conversation at the highest level. For those of us who were there, the recollection remains fresh decades later" — Barry Cooper author "Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern Political Science. More at wagnercolumbus.com and now at Netflix,too!" This material is presented in cooperation with the publisher, Wagner Columbus Publishing Co. Ltd. The 4 1/2 hour Voegelin in Toronto DVD may be purchased directly from the University of Missouri Press or may be ordered here: https://www.amazon.com/Voegelin-Toronto-Conference-University-November/dp/0826218946/